Monday Zombie and Chill
Monday was another sleepy day. I slept in late. I’m pretty sure I needed the sleep though, as the night before I wasn’t feeling the greatest. So yay for feeling better.
Now, I wanted to get back to variety for the stream this month, but I am hopelessly addicted to 7 Days to Die. Since I wasn’t too high functioning due to leftover sleepies, I just hopped back into that game and fucked around. You can watch the shenanigans below. It was a short stream, but I at least managed to get on and hang out.
I’m trying to maintain my Monday through Thursday schedule. It’s hard sometimes, due to either being too tired or dealing with depression shit. By pushing myself to be on and be social, it helps me get through some things.
I’m going toΒ try to have some variety for the stream this month. I’m still not good at scheduling games for certain days, because I never know if I’m actually going to be in the mood for it. So, I’m sticking to the whatever I feel like mode for streaming. We’ll see how it goes.
Watch π¦ Monday Zombies and Chill π¦ !tarot π¦ !humble π¦ from RabidRae on